The New York Co-Op Bible: Everything You Need to Know about Co-Ops and Condos: Getting In, Staying In, Surviving, Thriving Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The New York Co-Op Bible: Everything You Need to Know about Co-Ops and Condos: Getting In, Staying In, Surviving, Thriving Book

The popular guide to New York co-ops and condos returns in a fully updated and revised edition! This user-friendly guide should be required reading for anyone who is curious about entering the fray of the co-op and condo market in New York. With over twenty-five percent new mater-ial, this revised edition answers all the questions that many apart-ment dwellers have but are afraid to ask their board, broker, lawyer, and accountant, such as:-Is this building right for you?-How can you make the approval process go as smoothly as possible?-What should you do if the board rejects you?-Can you keep your dog?-And much more.Read More

from£16.47 | RRP: £14.24
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.10
  • 0312340753
  • 9780312340759
  • Sylvia Shapiro
  • 1 May 2005
  • St. Martin's Griffin
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 368
  • Revised
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