The Non-Designer's Design Book Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Non-Designer's Design Book Book

Subtitled Design and Typographic Principles for the Visual Novice, this book is for anyone who has to design a newsletter, job ad, flyer, business card, memo, report or whatever, but has no idea what separates good design from bad. Except, of course, that the first looks clear, professional, sophisticated and right, and the second is an ugly, unreadable mess.Robin Williams has an easily readable style and manages to communicate sometimes complex and sophisticated concepts simply and directly. She rightly assumes that, though most people can recognise bad design when they see it, they don't know why it's bad and are therefore powerless to fix the same problems in their own work.The bulk of the book is given over to explaining how, by sticking to four basic design principles--contrast, read more...
from£21.99 | RRP: £23.99
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