The Nordstrom Way: The Inside Story of America's Number 1 Customer Service Company (Norddstrom Way) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Nordstrom Way: The Inside Story of America's Number 1 Customer Service Company (Norddstrom Way) Book

"The Nordstroms 'wrote the book' on customer service. Now we have a chance to read, chapter by chapter, how through four generations this family has established one of the finest retail institutions in the world."-Peter Strom, Former Vice Chairman Polo/Ralph Lauren According to David Glass, President and CEO of Wal-Mart, Nordstrom's customer service standards are "what we all shoot for." In his 60 Minutes profile on Nordstrom, Morley Safer raved that the much-acclaimed "Nordstrom Way" was "not service like it used to be, but service like it never was." What makes Nordstrom so special? What, exactly, does this retail giant do that so clearly distinguishes it from the competition? How does the Nordstrom customer service culture work? And, most important, what lessons can read more...
from£21.58 | RRP: £15.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.74
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