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The Other Machine: Sexual Politics and Reproductive Technologies (Thinking Gender) Book
With technological advances in reproduction no longer confined to the laboratory or involving only the isolated individual, women and men are increasingly resorting to a variety of technologies unheard of a few decades ago to assist them in becoming parents. The public at large, and feminists as a group, are confused and divided over how to view these technologies and over what positions to take on the moral and legal dilemmas they give rise to.Farquhar argues that two perspectives have tended to dominate feminist discussions of these issues. She labels these: "fundamental feminism" and "market liberalism." By linking a theoterical approach with a practical set of issues, Farquhar's The Other Machine provides a rigorous analysis of contemporary feminist debates.Read More
from£80.00 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0415912784
- 9780415912785
- Dion Farquhar
- 7 November 1996
- Routledge
- Hardcover (Book)
- 256
- 1
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