The Politics of Decentralisation: Revitalising Local Government (Public Policy and Politics) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Politics of Decentralisation: Revitalising Local Government (Public Policy and Politics) Book

"A well written and valuable study [which] does much to get behind the mythology of debates about decentralisation...[It] deserves to be read by all concerned with the changing face of local politics." - John Solomos, Political Studies This wide-ranging book sets discussion of the various approaches to local government decentralisation in the context of the changing nature of public service management and the possibilities for new kinds of public involvement in government decision-making. It draws on a wide range of experiences throughout the UK as well as the findings of an in-depth study of the impact of radical decentralisation strategies in two inner London boroughs to provide an authoritative assessment of the politics of decentralisation.Read More

from£38.99 | RRP: £27.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.80
  • 0333521641
  • 9780333521649
  • Danny Burns, Robin Hambleton, Paul Hoggett
  • 31 May 1994
  • Palgrave Macmillan
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 320
  • illustrated edition
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