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The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life Book
"Dishonesty inspires more euphemisms than copulation or defecation. This helps desensitize us to its implications. In the post-truth era we don't just have truth and lies but a third category of ambiguous statements that are not exactly the truth but fall just short of a lie. Enhanced truth it might be called. Neo-truth. Soft truth. Faux truth. Truth lite. Through such aggressive euphemasia we take the sting out of telling lies." Deception has become the modern way of life. Where once the boundary line between truth and lies was clear and distinct, it is so no longer. In the post-truth era, deceiving others has become a challenge, a game, a habit. High-profile dissemblers compete for news coverage, from journalists like Jayson Blair and professors like Joseph Ellis to politicians (of all stripes), executives, and "creative" accountants. Research suggests that the average American tells multiple lies on a daily basis, often for no good reason. Not a finger-wagging scolding, The Post-Truth Era is a combination of Ralph Keyes's investigative journalism and solid science. The result is a spirited exploration of why we lie about just about everything and the consequences such casual dishonesty has on society.At no point in American history has society been so permeated from top to bottom by deception. Its consequences for the nature of public discourse, media, business, literature, academia, and politics are profound. With dry humor, passionate fervor, and deep understanding, Ralph Keyes takes us on a tour of a world where truth and honesty are no longer absolutes but mutable, fluid concepts.Read More
from£26.27 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £30.03
- 0312306482
- 9780312306489
- Ralph Keyes
- 1 September 2004
- St. Martin's Press
- Hardcover (Book)
- 320
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