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The Practical Dreamer's Handbook: Finding the Time, Money and Energy to Live the Life You Want to Live Book
"Beautifully written and useful. . . . Paul and Sarah Edwards take you by the hand as you begin the process of manifesting your heart's desire." (Arielle Ford, author of Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul) How often do each of us imagine a craft, business, or career we'd love to pursue, only to come up with a hundred different reasons why it can't be done? Our bills are too high; we're tied down to where we live; our families will disapprove; our dreams won't pay enough-the list goes on and on. This book is the answer to those self-limiting notions. The authors of Working from Home provide three step-by-step sections on how readers can reverse their mind-set and marshal their resources to begin the business and lifestyle they have always wanted. Paul and Sarah provide a wealth of examples and anecdotes from real-life "practical dreamers" who have overcome the above obstacles and more. Read More
from£17.53 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.79
- 1585421251
- 9781585421251
- Sarah Edwards, Paul Edwards
- 25 April 2002
- Jeremy P Tarcher
- Paperback (Book)
- 291
- Reprint
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