The Psychology of Diversity: Beyond Prejudice and Racism (Coursesmart) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Psychology of Diversity: Beyond Prejudice and Racism (Coursesmart) Book

The Psychology of Diversity presents a captivating social-psychological study of diversity, the obstacles confronting it, and the benefits it provides. Goes beyond prejudice and discrimination to discuss the personal and social implications of diversity for both majority and minority group membersConsiders how historical, political, economic, and societal factors shape the way people think about and respond to diversityExplains why discrimination leads to bias at all levels in society – interpersonal, institutional, cultural, and socialDescribes proven techniques for improving intergroup relationsExamines the brain's impact on bias in clear terms for students with little or no background in neuroscienceIncludes helpful study tools throughout the text as well as an online instructor’s manual  Read More

from£28.30 | RRP: £23.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £28.37
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