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The Psychology of Learning Mathematics (Penguin psychology) Book
This classic text presents problems of learning and teaching mathematics from both a psychological and mathematical perspective. The Psychology of Learning Mathematics, already translated into six languages (including Chinese and Japanese), has been revised for this American Edition to include the author's most recent findings on the formation of mathematical concepts, different kinds of imagery, interpersonal and emotional factors, and a new model of intelligence. The author contends that progress in the areas of learning and teaching mathematics can only be made when such factors as the abstract and hierarchical nature of mathematics, the relation to mathematical symbolism and the distinction between intelligent learning and rote memorization are taken into account and instituted in the classroom.Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0140136193
- 9780140136197
- Richard R. Skemp
- 2 December 1993
- Penguin Books Ltd
- Paperback (Book)
- 304
- New ed of 2 Revised ed
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