The Pure and the Impure Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Pure and the Impure Book

Colette herself considered The Pure and the Impure her best book, ?the nearest I shall ever come to writing an autobiography.? This guided tour of the erotic netherworld with which Colette was so intimately acquainted begins in the darkness and languor of a fashionable opium den. It continues as a series of unforgettable encounters with men and, especially, women whose lives have been improbably and yet permanently transfigured by the strange power of desire. At once lucid and lyrical, The Pure and the Impure stands out as one of modern literature?s subtlest reckonings not only with the varieties of sexual experience, but with the always unlikely nature of love.Read More

from£14.78 | RRP: £10.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £21.36
  • 0436105179
  • 9780436105173
  • Colette
  • 1 May 1968
  • Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 172
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