The Puzzle of Ethics Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Puzzle of Ethics Book

This introduction to the subject of ethics poses vital questions and explores the approach of leading thinkers. The authors take the reader, step by step, through the complex arguments on issues such as animal and human rights, environmental ethics and the morality of war.Read More

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  • Play

    A guide to the complex subject of ethics explained in clear and entertaining language. This new edition is fully revised and updated. This popular introduction to the subject of ethics poses vital contemporary questions and explores the approach of leading thinkers. The authors take the reader step by step through the complex arguments on issues such as animal an human rights environmental ethics and the morality of war. 'It is a great gift to be able to make philosophy accessible to the general reader. This is a wonderfully clear introduction both to moral philosophy and to contemporary ethical concerns.' David Atkinson Church Times

  • Blackwell

    The Puzzle of Ethics poses key ethical questions and explores their consequences for society. Are all human beings of equal value? Do animals have the same rights as people? Is abortion justifiable? What is the difference between aided suicide and...

  • BookDepository

    The Puzzle of Ethics : Paperback : HarperCollins Publishers : 9780006281443 : 0006281443 : 02 Aug 1999 : A guide to the complex subject of ethics explained in clear and entertaining language. This new edition is fully revised and updated.

  • 0006281443
  • 9780006281443
  • Peter Vardy
  • 2 August 1999
  • Fount
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 240
  • 2Rev Ed
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