The Quest for God: Personal Pilgrimage, a Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Quest for God: Personal Pilgrimage, a Book

Though a spate of religious quest books have appeared in recent years, Johnson's book is neither a search for the historical Jesus nor a quasi-mystical personal odyssey. Johnson, it seems, is perfectly happy with the faith of his father and as accustomed to the Catholic Church "as a much-loved old teddy bear or a favorite armchair or a smelly old favorite dog." A journalist and historian, Johnson has written an apologia in which he answers such basic questions as "What is God, then?" and "Is there an alternative to God?" His answers surprise, provoke, and even provide comfort.Read More

from£13.79 | RRP: £9.49
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £8.60
  • Product Description

    In this probing, challenging and personal account of his feelings about God and religion, Paul Johnson shares with others the strength and comfort of his own faith. Informed by his great knowledge of history, The Quest for God is written with force, lucidity and eloquence by the author of Intellectuals, Modern Times, A History of the Jews and other works.

  • 0060928239
  • 9780060928230
  • Paul Johnson
  • 1 May 1997
  • Harper Perennial
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 224
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