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The Revelation of Oneness: Dialogues on Nonduality and Spiritual Awakening Book
The dialogues contained in The Revelation of Oneness point to the possibility that the spiritual search, and indeed all the seeking of the mind, can come to an end once and for all. And in the absence of that search, there can be a clear seeing that all there is, is Oneness. And in the clarity of Oneness, life loses its heaviness, and what is is always enough. Some people have called this "spiritual awakening"; however, it's not something complicated, and it's not reserved for the lucky few. It's an awakening as simple and obvious as the sound of the rain splish-splashing up on the roof. It's a bit like having a dream, and getting lost in it, and then waking up, and opening your eyes, and looking around and realising that yes, of course, it was just a dream.Read More
from£27.10 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £26.25
- 0955829046
- 9780955829048
- Jeff Foster
- 6 September 2008
- Non-Duality Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 296
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