Money. Some people just seem to know how to get it. And keep it. How do they do it? It’s easy. They know the rules. Rules you can learn. The Rules of Money. 100 “golden behaviors” for creating wealth, making it grow, making it last. Rules that work. Techniques you can begin using right this minute. Rules for thinking wealthy (How to make money your friend) (How to stop procrastinating) Practical rules for planning, saving, spending, investing (and, yes...enjoying your journey to wealth) Rules for uncovering hidden opportunities. Handling risk. Negotiating. Minimizing taxes. Even sharing your newfound wealth. (If you so desire.) Read The Rules. Learn ’em. Live ’em. And reap the rewards. One step at a time. Every day. Starting today. Contents
… read more...Acknowledgments viii Introduction ix Part I Thinking Wealthy 3 Part II Getting Wealthy 42 Part III Getting Even Wealthier 139 Part IV Staying Wealthy 181 Part V Sharing Your Wealth 203 Read More read less...