The Sacred Bones Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Sacred Bones Book

A brazen and violent crime occurs at the crossroads of the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish faiths—the shocking theft of ancient artifacts hidden for many centuries in a secret vault beneath Jerusalem's Temple Mount. In its wake, thirteen Israeli policemen and soldiers are dead—and the fuse is lit on a volatile Mideast powder keg, threatening an explosion that could devastate the world. In Italy, American forensic scientist Charlotte Hennesey has answered a Vatican summons asking for help. Joining with Italian anthropologist Giovanni Bersei, she embarks upon a perilous journey down a twisted path of revelations prowled by sinister zealots and relentless cold killers. For they must expose the astonishing secrets locked in the ancient bones resting in a newly unearthed burial box—the skeleton of a man who lived and died in the first century; a man who was scourged and stabbed . . . and crucified. Read More

from£25.25 | RRP: £16.92
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.43
  • 0061146072
  • 9780061146077
  • Michael Byrnes
  • 1 March 2007
  • ReganBooks
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 304
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