The Saga of Lewis & Clark: Into the Uncharted West (Lewis & Clark Expedition) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Saga of Lewis & Clark: Into the Uncharted West (Lewis & Clark Expedition) Book

Storytellers are many, but illustrators are few--and few books on the epic journey of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are as beautiful as The Saga of Lewis & Clark. Illustrations from the original journals reveal the explorers' creative spelling and fine cartographic abilities; old drawings and etchings lend authenticity to the chronicle; and color photographs prove that the dramatic landscape they encountered remains wild in places. The reproductions of paintings by Karl Bodmer and George Catlin from the 1830s are particularly stunning. The same paintings and journal excerpts appear in other illustrated accounts--including the companion volume to Dayton Duncan and Ken Burns's PBS special on the Corps of Discovery--but without the clarity and vibrancy achieved in read more...
from£28.68 | RRP: £16.14
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.89
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