The Sandman, The Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Sandman, The Book

A splendidly macabre achievement. As an account of a descent into homicidal mania, it has seldom been bettered."" - Time Out. ""Confounds received notions of good taste-unspeakable acts are reported with an unwavering reasonableness essential to the comic impact and attesting to the deftness of Gibson's control"" - T.L.S. Black comedy has never been blacker. Growing up in a small hotel in a shabby seaside town, Mackerel Burton has no idea that he is to grow up to become a slick and ruthless serial killer. A lonely boy, he amuses himself by perfecting his conjuring tricks, but slowly the magic turns to a darker kind, and soon he finds himself stalking the streets in search of random and innocent victims. He has become The Sandman.Read More

from£9.45 | RRP: £7.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.28
  • 1899344241
  • 9781899344246
  • Miles Gibson
  • 17 November 1997
  • The Do-Not Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 168
  • New edition
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