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The Scrapbook in American Life Book
This book explores the history of scrapbook-making, its origins, uses, changing forms and purposes as well as the human agents behind the books themselves. Scrapbooks bring pleasure in both the making and consuming - and are one of the most enduring yet simultaneously changing cultural forms of the last two centuries. Despite the popularity of scrapbooks, no one has placed them within historical traditions until now. This volume considers the makers, their artefacts, and the viewers within the context of American culture. The volume's contributors do not show the reader how to make scrapbooks or improve techniques but instead explore the curious history of what others have done in the past and why these splendid examples of material and visual culture have such a significant place in many households.Read More
from£16.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.43
- 1592134785
- 9781592134786
- Patricia Buckler
- 30 June 2006
- Temple University Press,U.S.
- Paperback (Book)
- 344
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