THE UNINTENDED HEROThe Ulin were the Elder Race, powerful in arms and in magic, scornful of men, elves, and the other Younger Races. And worst among these tyrants was the terrible Ulahane the Red... Only one Ulin dared oppose the Scarlet One. He was called Lomallin, and he protected the human creatures, teaching them and nurturing their talents. When these two mighty giants clashed, it was foretold that Lomallin could vanquish Ulahane--but first he must die. Until then, the contest for the fate of the Younger Races would be fought by humans themselves...Ohaern was a common man who knew little of the mighty Ulin. But when Ulahane caused his wife's death, Ohaern swore revenge. With the half-elf trickster Lucoyo at his side, Ohaern launched an epochal struggle whose consequences would mean
… read or death for humanity--and for the Ulin themselves! Read More read less...