The Sixteen Satires (Penguin Classics) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Sixteen Satires (Penguin Classics) Book

Offers satirical and bitter denunciation of the degeneracy of Roman society. This work draws forth a world of whores, fortune-tellers, boozy politicians, slick lawyers, shameless sycophants, ageing flirts and downtrodden teachers. It portraits of decadent aristocrats - male and female - and the jumped-up sons of newly-rich former slaves.Read More

from£10.50 | RRP: £9.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.83
  • Foyles

    Perhaps more than any other writer, Juvenal (c. AD 55-138) captures the splendour, the squalor and the sheer energy of everyday Roman life. In The Sixteen Satires he evokes a fascinating world of whores, fortune-tellers, boozy politicians, slick lawyers, shameless sycophants, ageing flirts and downtrodden teachers. A member of the traditional land-owning class that was rapidly seeing power slip into the hands of outsiders, Juvenal also creates savage portraits of decadent aristocrats - male and female - seeking excitement among the lower orders of actors and gladiators, and of the jumped-up sons of newly-rich former slaves. Constantly comparing the corruption of his own generation with its stern and upright forebears, Juvenal's powers of irony and invective make his work a stunningly satirical and bitter denunciation of the degeneracy of Roman society

  • BookDepository

    The Sixteen Satires : Paperback : Penguin Books Ltd : 9780140447040 : 0140447040 : 01 Feb 1999 : Offers satirical and bitter denunciation of the degeneracy of Roman society. This work draws forth a world of whores, fortune-tellers, boozy politicians, slick lawyers, shameless sycophants, ageing flirts and downtrodden teachers. It portraits of decadent aristocrats - male and female - and the jumped-up sons of newly-rich former slaves.

  • Penguin

    Juvenal's Satires create a fascinating (and immediately familiar) world of whores, fortune-tellers, boozy politicians, slick lawyers, shameless sycophants, ageing flirts and downtrodden teachers. Perhaps more than any other writer, Juvenal (c.

  • Pickabook

    Juvenal, Peter Green (Trans), Peter Green

  • 0140447040
  • 9780140447040
  • Juvenal
  • 27 May 2004
  • Penguin Classics
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 320
  • 3Rev Ed
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