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The Social Psychology of Adolescence Book
How does the family influence adolescent behaviour? Why do some young people engage in delinquency? What role do peers play in shaping the way adolescents act? These and many other questions are answered in this book. "The Social Psychology of Adolescence" introduces and reviews major themes in adolescent development, including such topics as sexuality and the risk of HIV/AIDS, school life, teenagers in the work place, mental health issues, and others. It is a review of some of the scientific evidence of the many different factors that help shape and mould adolescent behaviours. It deliberately reviews studies from as wide a range of different cultures as possible. The book should appeal to interested lay readers as well as professionals in education, psychology, social work and welfare studies.Read More
from£25.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.33
- 0333921658
- 9780333921654
- Patrick Heaven
- 31 October 2001
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Paperback (Book)
- 297
- 2nd Ed
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