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The Supermarket Sorceress Book
No cauldrons, no warts, no flying brooms...Experienced psychic, witch and high priestess, Lexa Rosean offers spells for every occasion in this amusing, magically effective and easy-to-follow guide. Taken from history and legend, all the ingredients needed, such as baking soda, tin foil, honey, tea and more, are simple, inexpensive and as close as your grocer's shelves.With The Supermarket Sorceress, you'll discover how:-Apples, snow peas, avocados and cherries can help you look magnificent-Eggs banish negativity (including feelings for a lost love)-Kitty litter works wonders on your enemies-You can guarantee your lover's fidelity-Turmeric, a turkey wishbone, a feather duster and a bunch of ripe bananas will help your fear of flying-Mothballs protect against sexual harassmentRead More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0312957688
- 9780312957681
- Lexa Rosean
- 1 January 1920
- Saint Martin's Press Inc.
- Mass Market Paperback (Book)
- 131
- St. Martin's Paperbacks Trade Pbk. Ed
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