The Tale of Custard the Dragon Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Book

The Tale of Custard the Dragon : Paperback : Little, Brown & Company : 9780316590310 : 0316590312 : 01 Apr 1998 : In this humorous poem, Custard the cowardly dragon saves the day when a pirate threatens Belinda and her pet animals.Read More

from£7.99 | RRP: £4.84
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  • Amazon Review

    Do you remember brave Belinda and her "realio, trulio, little pet dragon"? This Ogden Nash classic has been a favorite of children for more than 60 years and until recently was unavailable in a picture-book version. Artist Lynn Munsinger has rejuvenated the poem with her chuckle-inducing illustrations of no-nonsense Belinda and the cowardly green and purple dragon Custard. Belinda was a brave role model for young girls back when females weren't encouraged to stand up for themselves, and Custard's hidden reserve of strength has no doubt inspired children for several generations. Hooked on Custard? The next adventure unfolds in Custard the Dragon and the Wicked Knight, which followed this popular picture book. (Ages 3 to 8)

  • Product Description

    In this humorous poem, Custard the cowardly dragon saves the day when a pirate threatens Belinda and her pet animals.

  • 0316590312
  • 9780316590310
  • Ogden Nash
  • 1 April 1998
  • Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 32
  • Reprint
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