The Tesseract Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Tesseract Book

A single evening in Manila hints at shared consciousness and the circular nature of time and experience. More ambitious than his successful debut, The Beach, Alex Garland's second novel follows three seemingly disparate stories that converge just this side of possible. Opening pages are reminiscent of a Raymond Chandler detective story: the dirty hotel room that "didn't know it was a hotel, or had forgotten"; the flinty, deep thinking protagonist; a meeting with rough-cut thugs. But just when we expect the arrival of the stock sultry woman, the cast of characters begins to assume the more recognisable aspects of ordinary life--to eerie effect. Garland shows a talent for finely crafted phrases that emboss an image and encapsulate a moment. One minor character's brief sensory flashback provides more human insight than the pages of descriptive overload in the usual thriller. The Tesseract is an exciting tale that never stoops to the level of popcorn storytelling. --Samantha StarmerRead More

from£8.89 | RRP: £7.99
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  • Amazon

    In less than an hour, Sean has a meeting with a mestizo gangster. On the other side of town, Rosa listens for her husband's car, and thirteen-year-old Vincente is watching for the man who pays money for street-kids' dreams. Tonight, these disparate lives will violently collide.

  • ASDA

    In less than an hour Sean has a meeting with a mestizo gangster. On the other side of town Rosa listens for her husband's car and thirteen-year-old Vincente is watching for the man who pays money for street-kids' dreams. Tonight these disparate lives will violently collide.

  • 0141031786
  • 9780141031781
  • Alex Garland
  • 2 August 2007
  • Penguin
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 352
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