The Threatening Desert: Controlling Desertification Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Threatening Desert: Controlling Desertification Book

Lands lost to desert may effectively be lost for ever, so desertification is humanity's most obvious despoliation of the planet. It is certainly one of the most serious environmental problems facing the world today. In this book the author describes what is happening and where. Although the problem is greatest in developing countries, it is by no means confined to them. Australia, Africa, the USA and India are all affected. In the 1970s an international Plan of Action was drawn up to bring the phenomeneon under control, but it was never implemented. Now that the situation is more serious than ever before, this book urges new action and describes many of the myriad ways in which it is to arrest the progresss of desertification. It describes too, not just the failures, but the considerable successes that have been achieved. Alan Grainger has also written "Desertification".Read More

from£17.48 | RRP: £12.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.27
  • 1853830410
  • 9781853830419
  • Alan Grainger
  • 1 January 1990
  • Earthscan Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 384
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