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The Triumphant Reigne of King Henry VIII, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) Book
HENRY the VTII. sonne to Kyng Henry the VII. begänne his reigne the xxii. daie of" Aprill, in the yere of our Lorde 1509, and in the xviii. yere of his bodily age ; Maximilian then beeyng Emperoure, and Lewes the XII. reignyng in Fraunce. And Fernando beeyng the Kyng of Arragon and Castell, and Kyng James the fourthc then rulyng over the Scottcs: Whose stile was Proclaimed by the blast of a Trumpet, in the citie of London, the xxiii. daye of the sated monethe, with muchc gladnes and rejoysyng of the people.And the same day, he departed from his manour of Richemond to the tower of London, where he remayned, closly and secrete, with his counsayll, till the funcralles of his father, were finished and ended. The same daie also, sir Richard Empson knight, and Edmonde Dudley Esquier, greate counsaylers to the late kyng, were attached and brought to the Tower, not to the litle rejoysyng of many persones, wbiche by them wer greved, whiche, attachement was thought to bee procured by malice oTable of Contents THE FIRST YEAR (1509-10) 1; THE SECOND YEAR (1510-11) 18 THE THIRD YEAR (1511-12) 30 THE FOURTH YEAR (1512-13) -42; THE FIFTH YEAR (1513-14) 59 THE SIXTH YEAR (1514-15) 120; THE SEVENTH YEAR (1515-16) 146; THE EIGHTH YEAR (516-, 7) 150; THE NINTH YEAR (1517-1«) 157; THE TENTH YEAR (1518-19) 165; THE ELEVENTH YEAR (1519-20) 177; THE TWELFTH YEAR (1520-21) 187; THE THIRTEENTH YEAR (1521-22) 223; THE FOURTEENTH YEAR (1522-23) 242; THE FIFTEENTH YEAR (1523-24) 284About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each pRead More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 1440034311
- 9781440034312
- Edward Hall
- 8 July 2009
- Forgotten Books
- Paperback (Book)
- 362
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