The Trojan Kings of Britain: Myth or History? Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Trojan Kings of Britain: Myth or History? Book

The Trojan Kings of Britain presents a theory that the legend of Brutus, descendant of Aeneas of Troy, migrating to Britain with many other Trojan descendants is actually based on real events.Examining original sources with a fresh eye, Caleb Howells constructs a compelling argument based on the chronology of events, archaeological findings, and linguistic, cultural, genetic and ancient literary evidence. He also draws parallels between historical individuals and legendary characters such as Agamemnon and Midas.Offering a fresh perspective on the history of rule in Britain, this well-researched book is a must-read for anybody with an interest in how history and legend often intersect.Read More

from£17.99 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £21.42
  • 1398112755
  • 9781398112759
  • Howells, Caleb
  • 15 April 2024
  • Amberley Publishing
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 288
  • Book
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