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The Twat Files: A hilarious sort-of memoir of mistakes, mishaps and mess-ups Book
When I was younger I wanted to be an interesting, sophisticated, semi-heroic, multi-layered person. BUT. That kind of perfect is impossible. Being an actual twat is much more the real me. Sorry to boast, but I am a champion twat. In The Twat Files I will tell you about all the times I've been a total and utter twat. The moments where I've misunderstood stuff and messed up. In my life these have been key because: Mistakes tell us about ourselves.Mistakes tell us about others.Mistakes are hilarious.Mistakes expose our flaws.Mistakes show us ourselves honestly.Mistakes are gloriously human. My hope is that these stories might fire up yer engines to remind you of just what a massive twat you also are. Let's celebrate and revel in this most delightful of traits together. That would be perfectly twatty. Be a fellow twat and pre-order The Twat Files now.Read More
from£6.00 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.70
- 1405947276
- 9781405947275
- French, Dawn
- 11 April 2024
- Penguin
- Paperback (Book)
- 400
- Book
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