Imagine an enormous, breathtaking virtual world to explore, where land can be bought for less than a dollar and new construction is limited only by your imagination. An online tourist destination where you can shop for virtual designer clothes in a shopping mall atop a live volcano, teleport to an underwater gig by U2, before taking a new friend back to your personal spaceship for virtual coffee or...well, you get the idea. The Unofficial Tourists' Guide to Second Life is a fast, fun guidebook that introduces first-time visitors to the endless wonders offered by this exciting and rapidly developing online world. All of Second Life is here, including:The Essentials. What to wear and how to behave.The People. Finding likeminded souls—or soulmates.The Major Destinations. Must-see tourist
… read more...hotspots, shops, and shows.Shopping and Nightlife. A guide to the lively virtual shopping scene, and all manner of debauchery.For Entrepreneurs. How to buy land or start a Second Life business.Read More read less...