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The Vocation of a Teacher: Rhetorical Occasions, 1967-88 Book
This critically acclaimed collection is both a passionate celebration of teaching as a vocation and an argument for rhetoric as the center of liberal education. While Booth provides an eloquent personal account of the pleasures of teaching, he also vigorously exposes the political and economic scandals that frustrate even the most dedicated educators. "[Booth] is unusually adept at addressing a wide variety of audiences. From deep in the heart of this academic jungle, he shows a clear eye and a firm step."--Alison Friesinger Hill, New York Times Book Review "A cause for celebration. . . . What an uncommon man is Wayne Booth. What an uncommon book he has provided for our reflection." --James Squire, Educational Leadership "This book stands as a vigorous reminder of the traditional virtues of the scholar-teacher."--Brian Cox, Times Literary SupplementRead More
from£79.89 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £13.70
- 0226065812
- 9780226065816
- Booth
- 1 February 1989
- Chicago University Press
- Hardcover (Book)
- 372
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