The Water Babies: The Fairy Tale for a Land-baby (Puffin Classics) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Water Babies: The Fairy Tale for a Land-baby (Puffin Classics) Book

When Tom, an ill-treated little chimney-sweep, jumps into a clear, cool stream to clean himself something magical happens; he is turned into a tiny water baby by the fairies. He enters a strange, magical underwater world, and travels beyond the world's end to the other end-of-nowhere. It is a voyage of discovery that Tom will never forget.Read More

from£9.65 | RRP: £6.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.08
  • ASDA

    When Tom an ill-treated little chimney-sweep jumps into a clear cool stream to clean himself something magical happens; he is turned into a tiny water baby by the fairies. He enters a strange magical underwater world and travels beyond the world's end to the other end-of-nowhere. It is a voyage of discovery that Tom will never forget.

  • Penguin

    The classic story of a chimney-boy's discoveries in a magical underwater world. Tom, an ill-treated chimney-boy, jumps into a cool stream to clean the soot off himself - and becomes a water baby, cleaner and happier than he has ever been, in a fairy world under river and sea.

  • Blackwell

    Tom, an ill-treated chimney-boy, jumps into a cool stream to clean the soot off himself -- and becomes a water baby, cleaner and happier than he has ever been, in a fairy world under river and sea. Meeting beautiful and frightening creatures...

  • 0140367365
  • 9780140367362
  • Charles Kingsley
  • 27 April 1995
  • Puffin Classics
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 256
  • Abridged Ed
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