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The Wit & Wisdom of Discworld Book
A flat planet traveling through space carried by four elephants balancing on the back of a giant turtle; a world populated by (mostly inept) wizards, dwarfs, despots, policemen, assassins, aged barbarians, vampires, thieves, witches, and civil servants; a place where technology, per se, is nonexistent but magic works . . . except when it doesn't. Gleaned from more than two decades' worth of Discworld tales, here is an essential compendium of insightful musings, witty commentary, and sagacious observations by New York Times bestselling author Terry Pratchett, compiled by Pratchett expert Stephen Briggs.Read More
from£15.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £13.20
- 0061370517
- 9780061370519
- Terry Pratchett
- 1 October 2008
- Harper Paperbacks
- Paperback (Book)
- 384
- Reprint
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