Therapeutic Recreation: A Practical Approach Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Therapeutic Recreation: A Practical Approach Book

A valuable guide to understanding the role of recreation in the lives of individuals with impairments! This comprehensive, well-illustrated sourcebook offers a practical overview of therapeutic recreation as a profession and as a career choice as it discusses the valuable contribution therapeutic recreation makes to the health care field. Drawing collectively on their experiences as practitioners and educators, the authors effectively combine theory and practice, first, by focusing on the historical and philosophical growth of the profession and second, by introducing readers to the client populations served by therapeutic recreation specialists and the specific application of therapeutic recreation with these individuals. The humanistic approach emphasizes the value of each person regardless of health status or functional capacity. It also incorporates a contemporary service delivery model that reflects current health care terminology and practice while maintaining the scope of service in both clinical and community settings.Read More

from£48.80 | RRP: £30.32
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £14.55
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