Thinking Through Science: Teacher's Resource Book Bk. 3 blue Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Thinking Through Science: Teacher's Resource Book Bk. 3 blue Book

This brand new course for Key Stage 3 Science brings together proven approaches to the development of pupils' thinking skills and the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science. Pupils learn to 'think about their thinking' whilst developing their knowledge and understanding of science within the context of the QCA Scheme of Work. The order in which specific skills are introduced is based on many years' research into pupils' cognitive development. Arises directly from the CASE project and cultivates a thinking skills approach to science. Highlights issues raised by the Science Strategy. Uses the latest ideas for effective learning in line with pupils' cognitive development. Prepares pupils for assessment of Sc1. Provides methods to promote peer interaction. Highlights the use of mental modelling in science. Teacher's notes for each chapter include: key learning objectives advice on timing links to other chapters and prior learning pupils' misconceptions skills covered teaching tips answers attainment level language for learning technician's notes including safety cross-curricular issues including numeracy and literacy There is also information on how this course fits in with CASE, and advice about formative assessment.Read More

from£108.00 | RRP: £65.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £77.93
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