Thriving Through Crisis: Turn Tragedy and Trauma Into Growth and Change Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Thriving Through Crisis: Turn Tragedy and Trauma Into Growth and Change Book

Therapist Bill O'Hanlon shows how to not only survive a crisis, but thrive beyond it. There are ways to use crises and problems as opportunities for mid-course corrections and growth-but this growth is not guaranteed. If you or someone you love are facing an ordeal, this book will give you a roadmap through the treacherous land of crisis to emerge with a better life. Bill O'Hanlon illuminates: ? The five crucial pathways to transform breakdowns into breakthroughs ? How to have a crisis-rather than your crisis having you ? How avoiding, denying, and minimizing sets you up for breakdowns and crises ? Why your typical way of responding can make the crisis worse ? The three powerful internal signals most of us ignore at our peril ? How old traumas can be viewed in a new light ? How to turn misfortune into growth-stimulating, regenerative opportunitiesRead More

from£26.32 | RRP: £15.56
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.80
  • 0399529462
  • 9780399529467
  • Bill O'Hanlon, William Hudson O'Hanlon
  • 1 February 2004
  • Perigee Books
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 224
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