Timeless Beauty Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Timeless Beauty Book

John Lane believes that beauty is the nourishment of the soul, and that gives us dignity as a species. In this book, he calls us to awaken to the possibilities of a culture that recognizes the importance of beauty, and to realize that we are only fully human in contact with the beautiful.Read More

from£12.94 | RRP: £9.95
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  • Blackwell

    Once people were instinctively tuned to the beautiful. In those distant days before the advent of the motor car and the washing machine, the electric toothbrush and the wheel, craftsmen and musicians, masons and poets, painters and dancers simply...

  • ASDA

    John Lane calls us to awaken to the possibilities of a culture that recognizes the importance of beauty and to acknowledge that we are only fully human in contact with the beautiful.

  • 1903998336
  • 9781903998335
  • John Lane
  • 23 October 2003
  • Green Books
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 176
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