Too Loud Too Bright Too Fast Too Tight: What to Do If You are Sensory Defensive in an Overstimulating World Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Too Loud Too Bright Too Fast Too Tight: What to Do If You are Sensory Defensive in an Overstimulating World Book

Too Loud Too Bright Too Fast Too Tight : Paperback : HarperCollins Publishers Inc : 9780060932923 : 0060932929 : 02 Dec 2003 : With empathy, compassion, and practical tools, a developmental psychologist and sufferer of Sensory Defensive Disorder (SD) sheds light on a little known but common affliction in which sufferers react to harmless stimuli as irritating, distracting, or dangerous We all know what it feels like to be irritated by loud music, accosted by lights that are too bright, or overwhelmed by a world that moves too quickly. But millions of people suffer from Sensory Defensive Disorder (SD), a common affliction...Read More

from£12.87 | RRP: £9.69
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  • Product Description

    Do clothing labels bother you so much that you have to remove them?

    Do you find many different foods repulsive?

    Do loud, sudden, or piercing sounds startle you?

    Do you need to wear sunglasses even on a cloudy day?

    Do you feel panicky going down an escalator or driving through a tunnel?

    If the answer to many of these questions is yes, you may suffer from sensory defensiveness, a common but often misdiagnosed condition that results from adverse reactions to what most people consider harmless sensations. Developmental psychologist Sharon Heller, sensory defensive herself, suggests that the best way for sufferers to cope is not psychotherapy or medication but a host of other treatments that tap into the primitive brain.

    As Heller explains, there is hope for the sensory defensive. This book will change your life.

  • 0060932929
  • 9780060932923
  • Sharon Heller
  • 1 February 2004
  • HarperCollins
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 400
  • Reprint
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