Twistor Geometry and Field Theory (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Twistor Geometry and Field Theory (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) Book

This book deals with the twistor treatment of certain linear and non-linear partial differential equations in mathematical physics. The description in terms of twistors involves algebraic and differential geometry, and several complex variables, and results in a different kind of setting that gives a new perspective on the properties of space-time and field theories. The book is designed to be used by mathematicians and physicists and so the authors have made it reasonably self-contained. The first part contains a development of the necessary mathematical background. In the second part, Yang-Mills fields and gravitational fields (the basic fields of contemporary physics) are described at the classical level. In the final part, the mathematics and physics are married to solve a number of field-theoretical problems.Read More

from£69.77 | RRP: £50.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £27.72
  • 052142268X
  • 9780521422680
  • R. S. Ward, Raymond O. Wells Jr
  • 26 July 1991
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 532
  • New Ed
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