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Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs Book
For serious amateur photographers who already shoot perfectly focused, accurately exposed images but want to be more creative with a camera, here?s the book to consult. More than seventy techniques, both popular and less-familiar approaches, are covered in detail, including advanced exposure, bounced flash and candlelight, infrared, multiple images, soft-focus effects, unusual vantage points, zooming, and other carefully chosen ways to enhance photographs. The A-Z format make sit easy for readers to find a specific technique, and each one is explained in jargon-free language. Top Tips for each technique help readers achieve superb results, even on the first attempt.Read More
from£92.93 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.28
- 0817437118
- 9780817437114
- Peterson Bryan
- 1 October 1990
- Amphoto Books
- Hardcover (Book)
- 144
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