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Understanding Lameness: Examining Equine Lameness from Diagnosis to Prognosis Book
No matter how horse owners use their animals, whether as recreational mounts, competitive athletes, breeding animals, or companions, every horse is susceptible to lameness and injury. In this book, Dr. Terry Swanson, noted veterinarian and partner at Littleton Large Animal Clinic in Colorado and former American Association of Equine Practitioners President, discusses specific lameness issues found throughout the horse's body. In an easy-to-navigate format that breaks down each lameness, Dr. Swanson specifies red flags the owner might recognize, explains etiology, discusses the diagnostic process, and provides insight into management requirements and possible prognosis. Extensive illustrations, radiographs, and photographs supplement the text throughout to provide a thorough understanding of anatomy, degenerative processes, injuries, and conformation. Question-and-answer boxes offer quick bits of valuable, interesting information in each chapter.A pharmaceutical glossary explains what effects commonly used medications have on the horse, and a compilation of various diagnostic methods outlines how the technology works. Furthermore, the discussion of cutting-edge treatments sheds light on new philosophies and ideas.Throughout the book, Dr. Swanson emphasizes the importance of the relationship between the veterinarian, farrier, owner, rider, and other involved parties in facilitating the management of the lame horse for the best possible outcome. No matter a horse's job, Dr. Swanson's goal is always the same: Manage the lameness, based on what the horse needs and get him back to work in a timely fashion, but never sacrifice the horse's well-being in the process. Read More
from£16.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £25.61
- 0911647740
- 9780911647747
- Terry Swanson
- 1 June 2010
- Western Horseman Book
- Paperback (Book)
- 215
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