Using Foucault's Methods (Introducing Qualitative Methods series) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Using Foucault's Methods (Introducing Qualitative Methods series) Book

'At last a student-friendly guide that answers the question: Yes but how do you do Foucault? Kendall and Wickham address the thorny question of how-to-Foucault in a clear distinctive manner that stands out in the secondary literature on this important thinker' - Toby Miller New York UniversityRead More

from£54.98 | RRP: £23.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.95
  • Blackwell

    As a companion to Foucault's original texts, carefully showing what he's done and why - and how that could be applied elsewhere - it's outstanding' - Very much a hands-on' tool kit of a book, scholarly but accessible....

  • Foyles

    'At last, a student-friendly guide that answers the question: Yes, but how do you do Foucault?" Kendall and Wickham address the thorny question of how-to-Foucault in ..."

  • Pickabook

    Gavin Kendall, Gary Wickham

  • 0761957170
  • 9780761957171
  • Dr Gavin Kendall, Dr Gary M Wickham
  • 4 December 1998
  • Sage Publications Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 176
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