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View: Mind over Matter, Heart over Mind: From Arthur Conan Doyle to Conversations With God Book
Twenty-NINE influential thinkers present their own 'vital messages' about the changes that are happening and the changes that must happen as we move fully into a new world consciousness. Symbolic of the changes is the year 2012, the year the...Read More
from£11.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.09
- 1905398182
- 9781905398188
- 29 contributors, led by Neale Donald Walsch, Peter Russell, Ervin Laszlo, Dorothy Maclean, Conan Doyle biographer Owen Dudley Edwards, educationalist Roger Straughan
- 18 June 2009
- Polair Publishing
- Paperback (Book)
- 288
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