Voyage to Utopias: A Fictional Guide Through Social Philosophy Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Voyage to Utopias: A Fictional Guide Through Social Philosophy Book

Zadie thinks she's the last sane person in the world. And perhaps she is. Her brother won't stop texting. Her grandfather, Cramps, whispers to the music box (located on a top shelf, near the corpse of a sticky bun abandoned in 1986). Why can't people be more like her? Oh, and it turns out the music box is really stroppy...Then, Cramps takes them on a journey into time and space that neither of them will ever forget - despite years of expensive therapy. They explore social philosophy, political theory, social policy and holographic apples. Do you dare join them on their quest? This fascinating fictional account will introduce you to key ideas in social and political philosophy. It provides you with key skills of philosophical investigation in an accessible, rigorous and light-hearted way. read more...
from£70.00 | RRP: £60.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £45.56
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