Waking Up in Toytown Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Waking Up in Toytown Book

John Burnside is incarcerated because he is insane. He was convinced he was sane but he thought it better to hang around the institution long enough to be able to let his carers and others know he wasn't mad. Tired of the game, he absconds and takes himself off on a journey of self discovery, self medication, self treatment and self analysis. Rescued by a friend, John decides he needs to stop living like an idiot and lead a more 'normal' life. Becoming a gardener and later a computer programmer for the civil service, he was able to convince people on a good day quite plausibly that his life was not really dominated by drugs and booze. Then he meets Greg, who is fixated on removing the millstone his wife has become by trying to get Jon to kill her. John Burnside, in his beautifully poetic language describes his increasing self awareness at the extent of his passivity on life, his escape into Surbiton, isolation, spiritual revelation and his quest for peace of mind. Read More

from£22.93 | RRP: £16.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £44.21
  • Amazon

    A memoir that follows the author's hopeless quest for peace and mental security as the ghosts and terrors close in and the illusion of Surbiton falls apart.

  • Blackwell

    In the early 80s, after a decade of drug abuse and borderline mental illness, a man runs away to the suburbs, to live what he hopes will be a normal life. With the aid of his last remaining friends he finds a regular job, goes to AA meetings and...

  • 0224080733
  • 9780224080736
  • John Burnside
  • 7 January 2010
  • Jonathan Cape Ltd
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 272
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