Walking in Hungary (Cicerone Mountain Walking) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Walking in Hungary (Cicerone Mountain Walking) Book

A full-colour guide, with 32 walking routes throughout upland Hungary. Most visitors are unaware of Hungary's secret highland landscape of rolling hills, high karst meadows, vineyards, crags, castles and villages. This guide gives an insight into the history and geography of the country, as well as supplying tips on walking in the countryside.Read More

from£10.90 | RRP: £14.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £7.18
  • ASDA

    Guidebook to 32 walks throughout upland Hungary with its landscape of rolling hills high karst meadows vineyards crags castles and villages. The ancient trails of the country are now a network of walking paths with a good system of coloured waymarks. Background information on preparing for walking in the country also included.

  • Blackwell

    Every nation projects an image of its landscape to the outside world and the image of Hungary is its Great Plain. As a result most visitors are unaware of Hungary's secret highland landscape of rolling hills, high karst meadows, vineyards, sink...

  • 1852843527
  • 9781852843526
  • Tom Chrystal, Beata Dosa
  • 31 January 2003
  • Cicerone Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 224
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