Warrior from Heaven (Still Here Books) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Warrior from Heaven (Still Here Books) Book

Jesus of Nazareth was a man of peace who taught personal non-violence. But Warrior from Heaven portrays him at his second coming as a warrior-king who wages violent earthly battle. Why this dramatic difference? It is all about timing--God's perfect timing. In Warrior from Heaven, Zarley illuminates how the Bible predicts that at the end of this age the world will be full of wickedness, with the Antichrist executing millions of Christians for refusing to worship him as a god. Then this evil dictator will lead all of the nations' militaries as they invade the nation of Israel to annihilate it and all Jews. But Jews will repent and Jesus will return, deliver them, and make Israel the chief nation in his worldwide kingdom of peace. Here is the kind of Messiah the Jews were looking for when they rejected Jesus. In this intriguing dramatization, thousands of end-time Bible prophecies are joined together in a chronological framework written in a journalistic style. And all scripture references appear in the margins. This format will help guide readers through the large mass of complex and often bewildering predictions that Israel's prophets delivered long ago, but still await complete fulfillment. Read More

from£22.09 | RRP: £11.91
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £97.40
  • 0981546226
  • 9780981546223
  • Kermit Zarley
  • 1 June 2009
  • Synergy Books
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 248
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