Wellington Square The Model Copymasters Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Wellington Square The Model Copymasters Book

This kit allows students to make a model of Wellington Square. It is presented as a set of photocopiable sheets which may be copied on to paper or card. Students can then colour and assemble the model, following step-by-step instructions. The kit: demands simple reading information skills; encourages group co-operation; may be used with a side ability range - some parts are easier than others. The finished model: may be used as an aid when discussing the action in a particular Wellington Square story; helps students to see and understand the setting of the stories; and should be useful for cross-curricular work - geography skills in particular.Read More

from£29.68 | RRP: £19.54
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £228.92
  • 0174228007
  • 9780174228004
  • Keith Gaines
  • 25 December 1999
  • Nelson Thornes
  • Loose Leaf (Book)
  • New edition
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