Western Civilization: Since 1750 v. C: A Social and Cultural History Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Western Civilization: Since 1750 v. C: A Social and Cultural History Book

These Western Civilization, Second Edition books explain why western civilization is worth knowing about. Taking a topical approach, they stress social and cultural themes, they ask, “What is the West?”, and incorporate significant discussion of peoples and civilizations outside the boundaries of the West. Provides a more coherent introduction to global issues than a world history presentation. Western Civilization, 2/e is accompanied by rich visual images, numerous textual excerpts, provocative special features, and timelines, charts and maps that make the narrative even more accessible. Each chapter now includes internet resources for research. Examines the French Revolution and 19th-century social and political movements in depth. Discussion of religion now occurs at key junctures in each chapter. Updated first chapter reflects the latest findings in paleoanthropology. Epilogue includes recent events such as global terrorism. Covers Social/economic history—e.g., gender roles, family and children, elite groups, urban/rural contrasts, cities and associations, commerce and manufacturing, and technological innovation. Non-Western (including North and South American) issues are discussed. Historians or anyone interested in a social, topical approach to Western Civilization with a global perspective.Read More

from£49.99 | RRP: £49.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.38
  • 0130450030
  • 9780130450036
  • Margaret L. King
  • 30 July 2002
  • Pearson Education
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 352
  • 2
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