What Did Dinosaurs Eat?: And Other Things You Want to Know about Dinosaurs Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

What Did Dinosaurs Eat?: And Other Things You Want to Know about Dinosaurs Book

Dinosaurs roamed Earth millions of years ago, but they still fascinate kids today. The mysterious lives of these "terrible lizards" often elicit a volley of questions. Were all dinosaurs fierce? How fast could they run? Did dinosaurs fly? Were they meat-eaters, plant-eaters -- or both? In What Did Dinosaurs Eat?, the simple question-and-answer format and realistic illustrations answer some of the most common queries kids have about dinosaurs. This book also incorporates a glossary of dinosaur names and how to pronounce them, as well as a listing of dinosaur-related Web sites.Read More
from£6.31 | RRP: £5.13
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.59
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