What Type am I?: Discover Who You Really are Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

What Type am I?: Discover Who You Really are Book

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator temperament test is given annually to millions of people, mainly business students and job applicants. But what good does it do, short of giving you a catchy-sounding, four-letter abbreviation (ENTJ, ISFP) that you can sometimes use to break the ice at cocktail parties? The aim of this book is to help you apply your knowledge to the benefit of both your work and love life--and to teach you how to prevent personality clashes by slightly adjusting your behavior around others, once you ascertain which "type" they fall under. The four areas covered by Myers-Briggs are how you relate to the world (Extraverting or Introverting); how you take in information (Sensing or iNtuiting); how you make decisions (Thinking or Feeling); and how you manage your life (by Judging or Perceiving). If you don't already know your profile, take the fun and quick 20-question quizzes for each of the four categories. (Do you dislike routine and repetition? Do you prefer to finish one project before starting another, or does that not matter to you? Do people seek you out for warmth and nurturing?) You're then given tons of tips for getting along in this world. ESFPs are warned that they should not get involved in too many activities, lest they forget their responsibilities. INTJs need to learn to be more flexible, and are sometimes best off working for themselves. If you're dating someone who's an NF, "give them cards, gifts, compliments, hugs, adoration, and other forms of loving attention"; they enjoy romance and need this kind of doting. There's also fascinating information about which functions are dominant in each of the 16 types, and how they're broken out by percentages, population-wide.Read More

from£13.00 | RRP: £14.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.80
  • 014026941X
  • 9780140269413
  • Renee Baron
  • 31 August 1998
  • Penguin Books Australia
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 192
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